The Sama Veda contains the world’s earliest writings on musical science.The foundation stones of Hindu music are ragas or fixed melodic scales. Each of the six basic ragas has a natural correspondence with a certain hour of the day and a presiding deity who bestows a particular potency. Thus,
The Hindole Raga is heard only at dawn to evoke the mood of universal love
Deepaka Raga is played during the evening to arouse compassion
Megha Raga is a melody for midday to summon courage
Bhairava Raga is played in the mornings to achieve tranquility
Sri Raga is reserved for twilights, to attain pure love
Malkounsa Raga is heard at mid-nights for valour
The ancient rishis discovered these laws of sound alliance between nature and man. Because nature is an objectification of Aum, the Primal Sound or Vibratory Word, man can obtain control over all natural manifestations through sound. Historical documents tell of the remarkable powers possessed by Miyan Tan Sen, sixteenth-century court musician for Akbar the Great. Commanded by the Emperor to sing a night raga while the sun was overhead, TanSen intoned a mantra that instantly caused the whole palace precincts to become enveloped in darkness.