There are a variety of memory games that form an essential part of right brain training. You’ll find some of them in self-help books on how to build and improve your memory. When the same techniques are taught to children from a young age, they form the building blocks of our children's mental prowess.
But first, why should we work on our memory? In today’s time and age,Is it as important a skill as others?
The answer is yes. We rely on our memory to build connections between random pieces of information-it’s a unique skill that only humans possess. Without our precious power bank of memories, we’ll be(quite literally) lifeless. Creativity entirely depends on our ability to link pieces together.
Following is a brief overview of the various memory games-
Photographic Memory Training
These comprise fun games and puzzles. The premise being that the child has to take in the whole image at glance as fast as possible and then identify various elements of the image.
Following are the different ways these games are played-
Quantity Memory-No. Of objects
Photo Memory-Pictures or objects
Color Memory-Differentiate and remember colors
Space Memory-Position of the object
Flash Memory-Using flash cards and many more.
Mandala Memory Training
Mandala in Sanskrit means circle. It was originally meant to represent wholeness and a model for the organizational structure of life itself.
It is an excellent tool for training oneself for photographic memory due to it’s complex structure.
How to use it-
Have two copies of the Mandala-colored and plain.
Get your child to relax by taking deep breaths.
Now flash the colored Mandala for a few seconds in front of your child.
Ask your child to close his eyes and visualize what he saw.
Ask him to draw a stroke of color in the Mandala pattern in each area corresponding to the image he captured
This exercise needs a lot of practise before it can be done perfectly. At Braintastic, we have 6 levels of increasing difficulty so that your child can gradually build up.
With practise, your child will be able to hold the image for 10 seconds or more. When the child is able to hold the after image for more than a minute, even after seeing the image only for a minute; the child is said to have attained photographic memory.
Linking Story
In this method, the brain is trained to memorize a group of pictures in sequence. The child links all the pictures together with the help of a funny/crazy story. As the story is completely illogical, the left side of the brain closes, enabling the right brain to function.
Shichida teachers have reported that once the children were able to remember as many as thirty cards in order, something amazing happens. Some of the children are suddenly able to remember forty or fifty cards by glancing at them without using the story.
At Braintastic, we provide a variety of memory play activities that keep children interested.
For in-depth details on each of these activities, enrol in our home-based program for children aged 0-6 years. Contact us to know more.
This is so good. Thankyou for sharing.